Star Party / Convention Reports - PDF

(Since the year 2000 - I've been on a total of 111 Astro Trips for 488 days. 255 days were spent at Cherry Springs):


Big WoodChuck Observatory:
    January Mars Occultation     January Mars Opposition     February 7th     February 10th     ORAS Astrophoto Art Show Feb2025


Big WoodChuck Observatory:
    February     March     November     December 8th     December 13th     December 30th

    Erie Eclipse - April     ORAS Observatory - May     Cherry Springs Star Party     Calhoun - July     ORAS Observatory - August     Black Forest Star Party     AstroBlast - October


Once again, Spent the first few winter months setup in the backyard.
Once Spring arrives, I plan to make monthly trips to Calhoun, Cherry Springs, and the ORAS Observatory.

Big WoodChuck Observatory:
    January     February     March

    Calhoun - April     ORAS Observatory - May     Cherry Springs Star Party     Calhoun - July     AstroBlast     Black Forest Star Party     ORAS Observatory - October     Calhoun - November     Calhoun - December


With the Pandemic finally winding down, I spent the first few winter months setup in the backyard.
But, as soon as the weather breaks for spring, I plan to make monthly trips to Calhoun, or Cherry Springs, or the ORAS Observatory.

Big WoodChuck Observatory:
    January     February     March     April     May Total Lunar Eclipse     November     December

    Calhoun - April     Cherry Springs Star Party     ORAS Observatory - June     Cherry Springs - July     AstroBlast     Black Forest Star Party     Calhoun - October


With the Pandemic still ongoing, spent the first half of the year still 'camped-out' in the backyard.
But with vaccinations, I hope to make a few trips to Calhoun and Cherry Springs and attend a few conventions this summer & fall.
I also plan to make a few trips up to the ORAS Observatory.

Big WoodChuck Observatory:
    January     February     March     April     May

    ORAS Observatory - June     Cherry Springs - July     ORAS Observatory - August     ORAS Observatory - Sept (part I)     ORAS Observatory - Sept (part II)

    Black Forest Star Party     Calhoun - November     Calhoun - December


Due to the Pandemic, did not attend any conventions this year.
But, I did make a few trips up to the ORAS Observatory, and did a whole lot of backyard observing!

    ORAS Observatory (4 trips)

Big WoodChuck Observatory:
    February     March     April     May     Herschell-Project     June     July     August     September     October     November     December


    Calhoun-May     Cherry Springs     AstroBlast     Black Forest     Calhoun Stargaze


    Cherry Springs     AstroBlast     Black Forest     Calhoun Stargaze


    Calhoun Stargaze     Cherry Springs     "Total Solar Eclipse - 08/21/2017" webpage     AstroBlast     Black Forest     Calhoun Informal Starparty


    Kiski @ Cherry Springs, May Tree Planting     Cherry Springs     AstroBlast     Black Forest     Calhoun Stargaze


    Cherry Springs     LVAAS     Kiski @ Cherry Springs, August Perseids     Black Forest     AstroBlast     Calhoun Visioning#2

*NOTE* - for all reports prior to 2015, the embedded photo hyperlinks no longer function - thanks to Comcast.
In order to see the images, you'll need to utilize the 'Starparty Pictures' page. Here's a direct link:
Starparty Pictures


    Kiski @ Cherry Springs, April     Kiski @ Cherry Springs, May     Cherry Springs     Black Forest     Calhoun Visioning     AstroBlast


    Cherry Springs     AstroBlast     Black Forest     Hidden Hollow


    Cherry Springs     Hidden Hollow     Black Forest


    Kiski @ Cherry Springs, April     Cherry Springs     Black Forest     Astro Blast     Hidden Hollow


    Kiski @ Cherry Springs, May     Cherry Springs     Kiski @ Cherry Springs, July     Black Forest     Hidden Hollow


    Cherry Springs     Star Quest     Manitoulin Island     Starfest     Black Forest     Mason-Dixon


    Hidden Hollow     Cherry Springs     Mason-Dixon     Black Forest     Astro Blast


    Cherry Springs     Mason-Dixon     Black Forest     Hidden Hollow


    AstroBlast 2002     AstroBlast 2003     AstroBlast 2004

Note* The following camping trips are missing reports that were written via email and now lost.

AstroBlast 2001     Starparty Photos, scroll to bottom for AB2001

Laurel Highlands Star Cruise (LHSC) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, & 2004     old StarCruise webpage