
Solar System Tour

Sketches & Video Capture of the Sun, Moon, Planets, Asteroids, Meteors, & Comets!

            created: 01-21-2009.             revised: 02-26-2025.

Over the years, I've observed most types of objects in our home solar system.
On this page, you will find video capture images or sketches of these objects made with the various video cameras and telescopes that I have owned.
So, sit back, scroll down, and enjoy the 'tour'!

Solar System Statistics:
Total Solar System Objects Observed: 74
Suns: 1
Planets: 8
Dwarf Planets & KBO's: 3
Moons: 17
Asteriods & NEO's: 11
Comets: 35

Link Index to Objects
The Sun:
The Moon:
Uranus & Neptune:
Dwarf Planets & KBO's:
Planetary Conjunctions:
Zodiacal Light:
Atmospheric Phenomena:

--- the Sun ---

Sunset over the Gulf of Mexico

(taken from Anna Marie Island, South Florida - May 23rd, 2012 - Nikon Coolpix S570 digital camera)

Partial Solar Eclipse - 07/11/1991

Partial Solar Eclipse - 10/23/2014 - Eclipsed Sun setting in Western evening sky

Total Solar Eclipse - 08/21/2017      StellaCam-3 and Canon 55mm CCTV lens


Total Solar Eclipse - 04/08/2024      8"SCT @ f6.3 & ASI294MC Pro camera with IR eyepiece filter

Total Solar Eclipse - 04/08/2024      50mm EVO refractor & ASI294MC camera with IR eyepiece filter

Venus Transit: 06/08/2004

Venus Transit: 06/05/2012
"C8 using Daystar in WL filter mode @ 6:22pm"                             "PST Cak @ 6:36pm"

Mercury Transit: 05/09/2016
"C8 using Daystar @ 2:11pm"                             "PST Cak @ 9:19am"

Sunspots- 02/02/1992                                 Sunspots - 08/02/1996

White-Light Sunspots:     10/25/2003

11/04/2001                         12/21/2001                         05/10/2002

07/20/2002                         10/25/2003                         11/02/2003

White-Light Sunspots:     08/18/2023

H-aplha: 10/21/2000                                 Prominences - 12/26/2000

11/04/2001                         12/02/2001                         04/16/2002



04/24/2002 Eruptive Prominence animation
click here

PST Ha: 09/05/2004                         09/12/2004                         11/07/2004

Daystar: 05/07/2006                         04/29/2006                         04/26/2006

Daystar Flare: 11/07/2004

PST CaK: 04/26/2006                         06/07/2007                         03/29/2008

PST CaK animation - April 2006
click here

(return to index)

--- the Moon ---

Earthshine - 12/14/2023


Waxing Moon 47% - 02/26/2023

EVO50mm f4.8 refractor & ZWO ASI290MC with IR filter

Moonrise over the Chesapeake Bay - July 2011 - DSLR)

Young Moon - 05/15/2010
waxing crescent with 3% of the Moon's visible disk illuminated!!

First Quarter Moon - 02/24/1988        and        Waxing Cresent - 04/09/1989

Full Moon
(Harvest) - 10/02/2020        and                    (Wolf) - 01/13/2025
80mm f3.5 refractor / Star-Adventurer Mount & ZWO ASI294MC and IR filter        and         8" SCT f6.3 / Atlas Gem & ZWO ASI294MC and IR filter

1st Quarter - 01/21/2021
8" SCT OT & Atlas GEM / ZWO ASI294MC and IR filter

Copernicus - 07/30/2001                    Plato - 07/30/2001

(Cape Laplace, Plato and the Alpine Valley - 06/07/2014 using 8" LX200 @ f10 and a Astrovid 2000 video camera)

(Copernicus - with the MCPO 10" Refractor: 11/04/2011 using Phillips webcam, 11/05/2011 uisng Lumenera LU070M)

Mare Humorum - 04/23/2002                    Gassendi - 04/23/2002

First Quarter Moon - 02/23/2007             (sketched from avi: 01/11/2009)

Aristoteles & Eudoxus - 02/23/2007 (sketched from avi: 01/04/2009)

a trio of craters - Theophilus, Cyrillus, and Catharina - 02/23/2007 (sketched from avi: 01/01/2009)

heavily cratered region around the walled plain Maurolycus - 02/23/2007 (sketched from avi: 01/06/2009)

Lunar Eclipse - 11/08/2003

Lunar Eclipse - 11/08/2003 - with Jet!!!

    Plane animation    

'Blood Moon' Lunar Eclipse - 10/08/2014 - Eclipsed Moon setting in Western morning sky

Lunar Eclipse - 05/15/2022 -
    May 15th, 2022 Eclipse (using 80mm & ASI294MC camera)    

'Lunar Eclipse / Star Occultation' - 11:54pm on 05/15/2022
May 15th, 2022 Eclipse    +6.2mag star in Libra SAO159317 (using 80mm & ASI294MC camera)    

Lunar Transient Lighting Phenomena:

'Lunar X' (sunrise on rims of craters La Caille, Blanchinus, and Purbach )

11-13-2010 (8" SCT f10, with StellaCam EX)

09-22-2012 (8" SCT f10, with Astrovid 2000)

03-20-2021 (8" SCT f10, with StellaCam-3)

'Golden Handle' (sunrise on the Jura Mts)
12-26-2009 (80mm f6.3 Bosma Refractor, with a Philips SPC900 webcam)

Golden Handle 11-05-2011
(10" f12 D&G Refractor - MCPO, with a Lumenera LU070M USB digital camera)

'illuminated Mountain Peaks'

(sunrise on Mt Piton    11-13-2010 us1ng a 8" f10 SCT, with StellaCam EX)

(sunrise on central peak of crater Walter    11-13-2010 using a 8" f10 SCT, with StellaCam EX)

(central peak of crater Maginus lighted by cleft in crater rim    12-27-2006 using a 8" f10 SCT, with StellaCam EX)

'Low Sun Shadows'

(Mt Hadley casting shadow    11-13-2010 using a 8" f10 SCT, with StellaCam EX)

(Central peak of crater Albategniu casting shadow    11-13-2010 using a 8" f10 SCT, with StellaCam EX)

Plato at 1st Quarter - 01/21/2021

8" SCT OT & Atlas GEM / ZWO ASI294MC and IR filter

'Bright Ray Systems'

(crater Messier Rays    11-13-2010 using a 8" f10 SCT, with StellaCam EX)

(crater Proclus Rays    11-13-2010 using a 8" f10 SCT, with StellaCam EX)

(crater Kepler Rays    08-30-2001 using a 8" f10 SCT, with StellaCam EX)

'Lunar Maria (seas)'
(click on an individual 'sea' for a close-up.     also, look for the hot-spots on the Lunar disk)

(Near Full Moon using a 8" SCT and a 80mm f3 refractor, with a StellaCam EX and #80 blue filter)

Apollo Lunar landing sites:
(click on an individual 'red-dot' for a close-up)

(10/26/2012 - Waxing Moon imaged using a 80mm Bosma f6.3 refractor, with a StellaCam EX 1/2" chip and #80 blue filter)

--- Luna images made using color ZWO ASI120MC camera and 8" SCT @ f10. ---

Aristoteles & Apline Valley: 4/14

Apennine Mts: 4/14

Ptolemaeus: 4/14


--- Moon Occultations ---

Moon - Pleaides Occultation - 02/23/1988

Moon - Praesepe Occultation - 04/14/1989

Moon - Saturn Occultation - 11/30/2001

Moon - Aldebaran Occultation - 01/19/2016 @ 9:18pm
Aldebaran video

      Venus / Moon Occultation 04/07/2024                      
          12:39pm           12:40pm           12:41pm    

Moon - Mars Occultation - 01/13/2025 @ 09:13pm
09:12:21pm                 09:13:27pm                 09:13:35pm
Meade LX200GPS 8" SCT f10 and ZWO ASI290MC camera & IR filter, (58ms exposure, 628 frames, 630 frames, 19 frames)

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--- Planets ---

----- Mercury -----

- 10/03/2009 (2x)                                      - 10/03/2009 (4x)

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----- Venus -----

- 01/14/1996                    - 05/25/1996

- 04/18/2004                                      - 10/03/2009

Venus - 02/19/2017

Venus - 05/04/2020

Venus - 09/18/2020 14" Celestron SCT/Atlas Mount f11 & ZWO ASI120MC and IR filter

Venus - 12/21/2021 8" SCT @ f6.3 & ZWO ASI2940MC and L-Pro filter

Here's a couple of comparisons between Venus and Mercury showing the difference in their size.

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----- Earth -----

- Looking Down                                      - Looking Up

    The G4 storm of 10/10/2024 From Baldwin, PA.

Another large solar storm! Kp>8.33. Bright auroras visible as far south as Key West, Fla! The "City Aurora" from Baldwin (about 8 miles from downtown Pittsburgh) was visible as soon as it got dark! While low level red & green 'clouds' and a few arcs were visible to the naked-eye, most of the show was via camera:

(from my AllSky camera & ASI224MC camera and my wide-field Canon 5.5mm lens ^ ASI290MC camera)

AllSky time-lapse of the Aurora on October 10th, 2024
Canon 5.5mm time-lapse of the Aurora on October 10th, 2024

    The G5 storm of 05/10/2024 at the ORAS Observatory

The Sun had been very active the week of May 6th, 2024, with multiple CME's erupting that were expected to impact the Earth Friday (5/10) evening into Saturday. NOAA issued a G4 geomagnetic storm warning, later upgrading it to a G5. There was potential for bright auroras visible as far south as Alabama! Peak activity was expected to be between 03 to 09 UTC (03 UTC = 11pm EST), may begin seeing aurora as soon as it gets dark! Not long after sunset fog began to develop on the observing field and soon obscured most of the sky. But as soon as it was dusk, the aurora was visible even thru the fog. It was so bright overhead that you didn't need a flashlight to see the ground or the tree-line in the distance. We could only imagine what it must have looked like under clear skies. Our group spent the next two hours watching the fog dimmed display, with curtains, arcs & rays visible leading overhead to a bright auroral corona, and various green & red glows in every direction. In the pre-dawn hours, the fog lifted and the AllSky camera recorded the spectacular display that went thru the night, only fading with dawn.



time-lapse of the Aurora on May 10th, 2024

    9/09/2015                           9/11/2015

Aurora on the morning of Sept 09th 2015                       Aurora on the morning of Sept 11th 2015

"Belt of Venus" (Earth's Shadow)

Backyard Milky-Way / star-trails 07/17/2020

Milky-Way from ORAS Observatory - 08/19/2020

ZWO ASI224MC & fisheye lens

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----- Mars -----

- 09/26/1988                    - 10/12/1988

- 05/21/1999                            - 05/28/1999

- 07/26/2003                    - 08/23/2003

- 09/05/2003                    - 09/06/2003                    - 09/10/2003

09/2003 animated gif

also visually observed the two moons of Mars: Phobos and Deimos during the September 2003 opposition with the 11" Brashear Refractor utilizing an 'occulting bar' style eyepiece.


06/12/2016      8" SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

06/19/2016      8" SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

06/24/2016      8" SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

07/08/2018      8" SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

07/13/2018      14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

ROI= 640x480, 86 frames stacked

08/12/2018 (10:13pm)      14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

ROI= 640x480, 309 frames stacked

08/13/2018 (00:12pm)      14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

ROI= 640x480, 944 frames stacked

09/02/2018 (09:42pm)      14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

ROI= 640x480, 1844 frames stacked

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mars 2020 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mars and 8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC

08/21/2020 (01:52am)      14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI294MC

showing 89% gibbous phase, Central Meridan=24.5, Diameter=17.3 arcsec, 25 second avi clip 1,084 frames
bright South Polar Cap, haze visible over N P cap, Mare Erythraeum center disk.

Mars and Moons
     14" Celestron SCT/Atlas Mount f11 & ZWO ASI120MC / IR filter
09/20/2020 (12:47am)          09/19/2020 (03:50am)
ROI= 800x600, 2000+ frames stacked

10/06/2020 (12:14am)      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC with IR filter

(60 second avi clip, ROI=640x480, ~2000 frames stacked. Exposure=2ms, gain=10, B=12)

10/08/2020 (12:40am)      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC      Syrtis Major on the meridian
(60 second avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~2000 frames stacked. Exposure=10ms, gain=0, B=12)

10/09/2020 (12:02am)      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC with IR filter      10/16/2020 (02:16am)
(10/09: 60 sec avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~4500 frames, Exp=12ms, gain=0, Bright=12, Red=62, Blue=75)
(10/16: 90 sec avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~3200 frames, Exp=14ms, gain=0, Bright=12, Red=62, Blue=75)

10/22/2020 (10:27pm)      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC     
(90 second avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~2950 frames stacked. Exposure=12ms, gain=0, B=12)

11/04/2020 (09:28pm)      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC     
(90 second avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~3,090 frames stacked. Exposure=12ms, gain=0, B=12)

11/08/2020 (09:24pm)      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC     
(90 second avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~3100 frames stacked. Exposure=12ms, gain=0, B=12)

11/09/2020 (07:42pm)      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC     
(90 second avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~3100 frames stacked. Exposure=12ms, gain=0, B=12)

11/12/2020 (07:58pm)      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC with IR filter

(60 second avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~25700 frames stacked. Exposure=12ms, gain=0, B=12)
Dark surface features include Syrtis Major & Syrtis Minor visible on center disk. Mars is definitely looking more gibbous!

11/28/2020 (08:12pm)      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC     
(90 second avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~2900 frames stacked. Exposure=12ms, gain=0, B=12)
Dark surface features include Solis Lacus along with Mare Sirenum

12/11/2020 (08:22pm)      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC     
(90 second avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~2500 frames stacked. Exposure=12ms, gain=0, B=12)
Sinus Sabaeus and the South Pole are the most prominent features

12/31/2024 (01:13am)      Meade 8" LX200GPS SCT @ f10 on a fork wedge mount & pier with an ASI290MC camera & IR filter.     
(16 millisecond exposure, 800 frames stacked using Sharpcap's planetary livestack function. Camera ROI = 640x480, cropped)

01/13/2025 (09:13pm - Moon Occultation)      Meade 8" LX200GPS SCT @ f10 on a fork wedge mount & pier with an ASI290MC camera & IR filter.     
(58 millisecond exposure, 630 frames stacked using Sharpcap's planetary livestack function. Camera ROI = 1024x768, cropped)

01/17/2025 (09:43pm)      Meade 8" LX200GPS SCT @ f10 on a fork wedge mount & pier with an ASI290MC camera & IR filter.     
(16 millisecond exposure, ~800 frames stacked using Sharpcap's planetary livestack function. Camera ROI = 320x240, cropped)

01/17/2025 (11:03pm)      Meade 8" LX200GPS SCT @ f10 on a fork wedge mount & pier with an ASI290MC camera & IR filter.     
(16 millisecond exposure, ~800 frames stacked using Sharpcap's planetary livestack function. Camera ROI = 320x240, cropped)

02/07/2025 (09:47pm)      Meade 8" LX200GPS SCT @ f10 on a fork wedge mount & pier with an ASI290MC camera & IR filter.     
(16 millisecond exposure, ~800 frames stacked using Sharpcap's planetary livestack function. Camera ROI = 320x240, cropped)

(return to index)

----- Jupiter -----

- 08/20/1995

- 09/09/1996                                       - 11/15/1998

- 12/26/2002                                                Ganymede shadow transit: - 02/20/2003

- 03/15/2003                                                Jupiter's Moons: - 03/15/2003

Galilean Moons: - 11/08/2009


Europa                                                                                                  Ganymede
- Jupiter & Io   11/07/2010

- 11/05/2011 Io Shadow Transit

- 09/20/2022 Io Shadow Transit

- 02/10/2015

03/26/2016      ZWO ASI120MC      04/14/2015

the Great Red Spot over a two hour period

Jupiter with a 14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC
07/13/2018           08/12/2018

Jupiter - 09/15/2020 14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC and IR filter

- 12/08/2024   (Io on left, Ganymede on right)                                                                         - 12/13/2024

8" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI290MC and IR filter

Jupiter - Europa Shadow Transit
12/30/2024 (08:53pm)      Meade 8" LX200GPS SCT @ f10 on a fork wedge mount & pier with an ASI290MC camera & IR filter.     
(75 millisecond exposure, 800 frames stacked using Sharpcap's planetary livestack function. Camera ROI = 1024x768, cropped)

Jupiter - Great Red Spot Transit
12/31/2024 (12:32am)      Meade 8" LX200GPS SCT @ f10 on a fork wedge mount & pier with an ASI290MC camera & IR filter.     
(75 millisecond exposure, 800 frames stacked using Sharpcap's planetary livestack function. Camera ROI = 1024x768, cropped)

Jupiter - and Moons
01/13/2025 (08:26pm)      Meade 8" LX200GPS SCT @ f10 on a fork wedge mount & pier with an ASI290MC camera & IR filter.     
(75 millisecond exposure, 341 frames stacked using Sharpcap's planetary livestack function. Camera ROI = 1024x768, cropped)

01/17/2025     (7:07pm, 813pm, 8:40pm)      Meade 8" LX200GPS SCT @ f10 on a fork wedge mount & pier with an ASI290MC camera & IR filter.     
(75 millisecond exposure, ~800 frames stacked using Sharpcap's planetary livestack function. Camera ROI =1024x768, cropped)

(return to index)

----- Saturn -----

- 08/20/1995

- 01/14/1996                                       - 11/15/1998

- 02/25/2003                                         - 02/08/2004

Saturn's Moons: - 03/15/2003      8" SCT f10 & StellaCam-EX

08/18/2020 Saturns Moons      14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI294MC

(from left: Titan, Dione, Enceladus (tiny point just below rings), Tethys, Rhea)

08/28/2022 Saturns Moons      8" SCT f6.3 & ZWO ASI294MC

- 05/04/2007                 - 05/31/2014

06/12/2016      8" SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

06/19/2016      8" SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

07/08/2018      8" SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

Saturn with a 14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC
07/13/2018           08/12/2018

09/02/2018      14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC

Saturn - 09/15/2020 14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI120MC and IR filter

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----- Uranus & Neptune -----

- 09/09/1996

Uranus- 11/03/2009                                         Neptune - 11/08/2009
using a 8" LX200GPS SCT @ f10 with a StellaCam-3

Uranus and Neptune with a 14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI294MC Pro
07/31/2019 - ORAS Observatory

Neptune, Uranus, and Moons
     14" Celestron SCT/Atlas Mount f11 & ZWO ASI120MC / IR filter
Neptune & Triton 09/18/2020 (10:45pm)          Uranus and Umbriel, Ariel, Titania, and Oberon 09/19/2020 (11:16pm)

10/22/2020 Uranus      8" LX200GPS SCT and ZWO ASI120MC     

(90 second avi clip, ROI=320x240, ~150 frames stacked. Exposure=350ms, gain=20, B=7)

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--- Dwarf Planets & KBO's ---

Pallas +2.8 mag   in Corona Borealis on 06/03/2024
(15 second subs livestacked for 105 seconds using 8" SCT @ f6.3 with ZWO ASI294MC camera))

Ceres/M100 transit on 03/26/2023
The +6.9 magnitude bright asteroid/Dwarf Planet really stood out against the dimmer +9.3 mag galaxy. It was neat to watch the event, realizing that you are looking at two objects with a vast difference in distance - an asteroid that's only 149,170,080 miles away in the asteroid belt (or about 13.5 light Minutes), and a galaxy that's 55 million light Years away from our Milky-Way galaxy!
Here's a 60 second exposure, (from 12:57am this morning), livestacked using Sharpcap for 5 minutes. (the bright 'star' next to the galaxy is Ceres) Also, Here's a slide of selected three frames covering the entirety of my observing session:

Ceres +7.6 mag   on 11/02/2021 & 11/03/2021
(single 15 second image using Canon Zoom lens @ 100mm F5.6 with ZWO ASI290MC camera))

----- Pluto -----

Here's an interesting observation of Pluto from the Black Forest Star Party, that Wednesday evening, 09/03/2008.
Our Canadian friends had been trying to starhop to Pluto, and were having trouble identifying the field. So they walked over and asked if I could find it with my telescope, so they could see the field on the video monitor. Using ECU to control the telescope, I gave it the 'goto' command, and watched it slew to Pluto's position indicated on the planetarium's starchart software. By zooming in a little on ECU's starchart, I was quickly able to match what the 8" and videocamera was showing on the monitor, and the group was able to confirm the position of Pluto. Pretty cool!!
09/03/2003 PDF

Another observation of Pluto from the Mingo Creek Part Observatory, early Sunday morning, 07/04/2010.
Several members of the AAAP were obsering Pluto crossing over a patch of dark nebula. Using the planetarium software at hand (Sky6), along with a Stellacam-3 mounted on an Orion 120mm f8 refractor, piggybacked on the observatory's 24" RC, we were able to make positive identification of the chart area and the tiny flicker of light that is Pluto.
07/04/2010 PDF

Pluto with a 14" LX200GPS SCT f10 & ZWO ASI294MC Pro      07/31/2019

ORAS Observatory

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--- Planetary Conjunctions ---

Moon, Jupiter, and Venus 02/23/2023

(Google Pixel 3 smartphone camera)

Moon & Jupiter 03/21/2016

(LG G3 smartphone camera)

Venus & Jupiter 07/01/2015
(LG G3 smartphone camera)

Moon & Venus & Mars 02/20/2015

(LG G3 smartphone camera)

Moon & Venus over the Gulf of Mexico

(taken from Anna Marie Island, South Florida - May 23rd, 2012 - Nikon Coolpix S570 digital camera)

   Venus & Moon 10/27/1984                                                Venus & Moon - 05/19/2007

   Venus & Mercury - 03/16/1985

      Mars / Jupiter / Venus 11/12/1984                                                Venus /Jupiter / Moon - 11/24/1984

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--- Zodiacal Light ---

- 09/10/2010 (04:30 am single 8 second shot with a Samsung SDC-435 using a 3.5mm CCTV lens tripod mounted)

- 10/21/2017 (06:00 am single 8 second shot with a Samsung SDC-435 using a fisheye CCTV lens tripod mounted)

- 11/05/2021 (06:36 am single 30 second shot with a ZWO ASI224MC using a fisheye lens in a plexiglass dome)
- 11/08/2021 (05:43 am single 30 second shot with a ZWO ASI224MC using a fisheye lens in a plexiglass dome)

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--- Asteroids ---

Didymos-Dimorphos +15th mag   on 10/24/2022 showing the comet tail from the Dart mission impact
(single 5 minute and 3 stacked for 15 minutes image using 8" SCT @f6.3 with ZWO ASI294MC camera & L-Pro filter))

Iris +8.97 mag   on 02/20/2022 & 02/21/2022
(single 15 second image using Canon Zoom lens @ 100mm F5.6 with ZWO ASI290MC camera))

Massalia +8.9 mag   on 01/21/2022
(single 15 second image using Canon Zoom lens @ 100mm F5.6 with ZWO ASI290MC camera))

Ceres +8.4mag   and   Vesta +7.1mag   on 07/03/2014 @ 10:15PM (UT = 07/04)
(single .5 second image using 80mm Bosma Refractor f6.3 & StellaCam-3 with .5x reducer)

NEO 4179 Toutatis - 12/13/2012 @ 7:24PM
(single 30 second image using 8" LX200 SCT & StellaCam-3)

Toutatis ANIMATION @ 7:26 - 7:58 PM (4 second exp every 20 seconds - using 8" LX200 SCT & StellaCam-3)    

NEO 2005 YU55 - 11/08/2011 @ 9:32PM +11.3 mag
(single 1 second image using 8" LX200 SCT & StellaCam-3)

YU55 ANIMATION @ 9:04 PM (seven 20 second images using 8" LX200 SCT & StellaCam-3)    

YU55 ANIMATION @ 9:32 PM (eighteen 1 second images using 8" LX200 SCT & StellaCam-3)    

10 - Hygiea - 06/24/2000 (UT 02:12 - 03:02)

4 - Vesta - 08/26/2000 (UT 01:21)

I've also visually observed the following Asteroids:
Fides - 11/25/1984, Flora - 11/25/1984, Ceres - 11/22/1984, Juno - 12/06/1983, Euphrosyne - 02/24/1984

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--- Meteors ---

Meteor sketch, over South park - 9/18/1999

Geminids - 12/13/2006

Perseids - 8/12/2007

a 7 second clip of a Perseid going thru Cygnus at ~11:29 PM on 8/12/2007

Perseids - 8/13/2015

Perseid Fireballs with trails
from the Perseid Meteor shower on 8/13/2015 using a Samsung SDC435 video camera and an Arecont 1.55MM 1/2- F2.0 Fixed Iris, FishEye Lens.    

Quadrantid - 1/4/2016

Quadrantid Fireball
using a Samsung SDC435 video camera and an Arecont 1.55MM 1/2- F2.0 Fixed Iris, FishEye Lens.    

Perseid Fireballs - 8/13/2018
~ 01:02am                ~ 02:40am

Sporadic - 6/11/2020

Perseid Bolides
(from backyard observatory on 08/12/2020 ~12:44am)           (from ORAS Observatory on 08/17/2020 ~9:33pm)
ZWO ASI224MC & fisheye lens

Geminid - 12/12/2020 @ 12:57am

Calhoun Bolides
11/05/2021 ~7:35pm)           (11/05/2021 ~7:39pm)
ZWO ASI224MC & fisheye lens

Astroblast 2022 Bolides
08/23/2022 ~9:38pm)           (08/27/2022 ~11:38pm)
ZWO ASI224MC & fisheye lens

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--- Comets ---

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) - 10/15/2024
wide-field Canon 5mm lens & ASI290MC camera, 5 second single exposure

I was able to briefly point my 80mm f6 refactor on the comet, observing a star-like core surrounded by a bright diffuse oval coma. The comet tail was long, extending out of the 26mm eyepiece FOV. I could also make out a short very narrow anti-tail pointing sun-wards.

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) - 10/17/2024
Got in another observation of the comet tonight from my backyard. Though the just past Full Moon didn't help the view. I went olde-schoole and used my 80mm f6.3 Bosma Refractor to sketch the comet. The comet nucleus continues to appear star-like and with higher magnification (6mm EP), it was surrounded by a bright oval shaped coma. In front of the nucleus, sunwards, there was a small arc-like brightening. Thin streaks of dust could be tracked back thru the tail. Here's the sketches: 25mm (20x) and 6mm (84x).

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) - 10/21/2024
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC, 15 sec sub for 5 minutes exposure        EVO50mm f4.8, ZWO ASI294MC, 15 sec sub for 2.5 minutes exposure

Comet Lemmon (c/2023 H2) - 11/11/2023
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC, single 15 sec exposure        EVO50mm f4.8, ZWO ASI294MC, 15 sec sub for 5 minutes exposure

Comet Lemmon (c/2023 H2) - 10/12/2023
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC, 15 sec sub for 15 minutes exposure

Comet Pons-Brooks (12P) - 10/11/2023
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC, 30 sec sub for 30 minutes exposure

Comet Pons-Brooks (12P) - 04/08/2024
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC, 60 sec sub for 3 minutes exposure

Comet Encke (2P) - 09/14/2023
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC, 60 sec sub for 6 minutes exposure

Comet Nishimora (C/2023 P1) - 08/18/2023
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC, 60 sec sub for 9 minutes exposure

Comet Atlas (C/2023 E1) - 08/18/2023
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC, 60 sec sub for 3 minutes exposure

Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) - 02/13/2023
The +6.5 mag comet still looked very nice, with a bright blueish-green coma and nucleus, along with a nice dust tail.
EAA observation using both my EV50mm refractor and ZWO ASI290MC camera (15 sec exposure, livestacked for 1.5 minutes),
and from the C8 SCT optical tube @ f6.3 with the ASI294MC camera & L-Pro broadband filter (60 sec exposure, livestacked for 30 minutes).

Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) - 01/28/2023
EAA observation using both my EV50mm refractor and ZWO ASI290MC camera (15 sec exposure, livestacked for 20 minutes),
and from the C8 SCT optical tube @ f6.3 with the ASI294MC camera & L-Pro broadband filter (30 sec exposure, livestacked for 20 minutes).

Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) - 01/16/2023
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC,L-Pro filter, 60 sec sub for 5 minutes exposure

Comet ZTF (C/2022 E3) - 01/16/2023
EVO50mm @ f4.8 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC camera, L-Pro Filter, 60 sec sub for 30 minutes exposure
                                    (possible Ion tail)

Comet ZTF (C/2020 V2) - 11/23/2022
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC, 180 sec sub for 3 minutes exposure

Comet 29P - Schwassmann-Wachmann-1 - 11/23/2022
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC, 180 sec sub for 9 minutes exposure

Comet Panstarrs K2
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC camera, L-Pro Filter:
05/29/2022 - 180 sec sub for 15 minutes exposure       06/24/2022 - 180 sec sub for 9 minutes exposure

Comet Panstarrs K2
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC camera, L-Pro Filter:
07/26/2022 - 180 sec sub for 15 minutes exposure       08/28/2022 - 60 sec sub for 10 minutes exposure

Comet Borrelly - 01/21/2022
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC 60 sec sub for 5 minutes exposure

Comet Atlas L3 - 01/21/2022
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC 60 sec sub for 5 minutes exposure

Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko (C67/P, the Rosette Mission Comet) - 11/03/2021
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC 60 sec sub for 5 minutes exposure

Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko - 11/30/2021
Canon 100mm @ f4 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI290MC 60 sec sub for 10 minutes exposure

Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko - 11/30/2021
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC
60 sec sub for 5 minutes exposure                 180 sec sub for 21 minutes exposure

Comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko - 01/21/2022
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC 60 sec sub for 5 minutes exposure

Comet Leonard (C2021 A1) - 11/03/2021
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC 60 sec sub for 5 minutes exposure

Comet Leonard - 11/30/2021
Canon 100mm @ f4 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI290MC 60 sec sub for 10 minutes exposure

Comet Leonard - 11/30/2021
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC
60 sec sub for 5 minutes exposure                 180 sec sub for 3 minutes exposure

Comet Leonard - 11/30/2021 Sketch (from a single 60 second exposure)

Comet Leonard & M3 - 12/03/2021
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC
60 sec sub for 2 minutes exposure                 180 sec sub for 6 minutes exposure

Comet Leonard (C2021 A1) - 12/04/2021
8" SCT optical tube @ f6.3 on a Atlas Gem mount, ZWO ASI294MC 180 sec sub for 3 minutes exposure

Comet Atlas (C/2020 M3) - 11/12/2020
Canon Zoom Lens @ 100mm & ASI290MC 60 sec subs for 15 minutes

Comet Neowise (C/2020 F3)

07/17/2020 - 10" f4.5 Dob & 32mm EP

Comet Neowise - 07/24/2020
Canon Zoom Lens @ 25mm & ASI290MC 15 sec subs for 3 minutes                    8" SCT f6.3 & ASI294MC 5 second subs for 3 minutes

Comet Neowise - 07/28/2020 (with Waxing Gibbous Moon in sky)
Canon Zoom Lens @ 100mm & ASI290MC 5 sec subs for 5 minutes                    8" SCT f6.3 & ASI294MC 5 second subs for 1 minute, cropped to enlarge comet nucleus

Comet PanSTARRS (C2017-T2) - 06/08/2020
8" SCT optical tube f6.3 on a CGEM mount, ZWO ASI294MC 15 sec sub for 12 frames total 3 minutes exposure

Comet Giacobini-Zinner - 09/05/2018
8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 30 seconds. (coma)              8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 120 seconds (tail)

Comet Giacobini-Zinner - 09/05/2018
from 12:10 to 12:51am

note - visually observed Comet Giacobini-Zinner on 08/18/1985 from Louisville Ky using a 10" f5.6 reflector with a 12.5mm eyepiece at 114x.
Comet looked like an egg-shapped fuzzy star. Star-like nucleus, but no tail.

Comet ASSAN1 (C2017-01) - 09/19/2017
8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 60 seconds

Comet Lovejoy Q2 - 01/17/2015
80mm f6.3 Refractor & StellaCam-3 @ 15 seconds.

Comet Lovejoy Q2 - 12/31/2014
80mm f6.3 Refractor & StellaCam-3 @ 15 seconds.              8" SCT f10 & StellaCam-3 with .5x reducer @ 15 seconds.

Comet Jacques (c/2014 E2) - 08/25/2014
8" SCT using a StellaCam-3 @ 20 seconds.

Comet PanStarr - 03/14/2013 HAO Observatory, Monessen, PA.
StellaCam-3 & Canon CCTV lens set to 25mm at about a quarter-second exp

Stellar Journeys youtube video

Comet Garradd - 08/26/2011 passing by M71 Globular Cluster,
6" RC using a StellaCam-3 @ 25 seconds.

Comet Hartley 2 - 10/08/2010 passing by the Double Cluster,
using a Samsung SDC435 camera with a 55mm CCTV lens @ 8 seconds.

Comet Hartley 2 - 10/08/2010 using a StellaCam-3 on a 8" SCT @ 45 seconds.

Comet Neat - 05/09/2004

Comet Halley - 01/11/1986                       Comet Swift Tuttle - 11/21/1992

Comet Hyakutake - 03/23/1996

Comet Hale Bopp - 03/09/1997

Comet Hale Bopp - 03/12/1997 and 03/27/1997

Comet Hale Bopp - 04/07/1997

Comet Bradfield - 11/21/1987

Comet Liller - 06/04/1988

Comet Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko - 11/25/1989

Comet Levy - 8/16/1990

Comet Shoemaker-Levy
07/05/1992 before breaking apart, 80mm refractor & 16mm & 2.8x barlow @ 59x       7/19/1994 after Jupiter impact, 8" Dob & 16mm 2.8xB @ 356x

1st comet observation:
Visually observed Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock on May 10th, 1983 from North Canton, OH, using a low power 8x50 Eastman Kodak M17 elbow telescope.
Comet looked like a large diffuse cotton ball. There was no tail. Located near the bowel of the Big Dipper in Ursa Major. Movement visible against background stars over few minutes.

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--- Man made Satellites ---

ISS & Space Shuttle - 12/19/2006

a 24 second clip showing a satellite pass that starts to the east of Albireo, then quickly brightens as it passes above Albireo, then rapidly fades. (~10:58 PM on 8/12/2007)

Geo-Stationary Satellites - 02/21/2014

Geo-Sat youtube video

Space Junk passing NGC61A&B (galaxy) in Pisces - 10/28/2016 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 45 seconds

Satellite photo-bombing the Bubble Nebula NGC7635 in Cassiopeia - 06/24/2020 - 8" SCT f6.3, ASI294MC & L-eNhance narrowband filter

SpaceX Starlink Satellite-Train passing thru Bootes near Arcturus - 05/07/2021 ~9:25pm - Pixel-3 cellphone camera using night-mode settings.

It took several minutes for the satellite train to pass over. At one point the line of satellites stretched nearly overhead from the NW to SE horizons.
Almost every one of them was nearly as bright as Arcturus that they were cruising past. It was quite the sight!!

Rocket Booster re-entry:
On Friday, July 27th, 1984, at approximately 11:02pm, a Soviet rocket booster entered the Earth's atsmosphere and burned up. It's path took it over the Louisville Ky area where it was observed by several members of the local astronomy club.
The object was first observed low in the SW horizon, near the bright star Spica in Virgo, and slowly ascended northwards.
It reached an elevation of about 45 degrees close to the bowel of the Big Dipper in Ursa Major, with a magnitude around that of the brightness of the Full Moon, and cast shadows. It's overall general appearence was that of a huge fireworks rocket, with a 30 degree long bright yellow and gold sparkling tail. There were numerious pieces breaking away from the main body and leaving their own smaller trails. Eventually, the object disappeared over the NE horizon near Andromeda. Total time from start to finish was about 1.5 minutes.

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--- Atmospheric Phenomena ---

Sun Dog - 02/12/2000

Solar Halo - 05/17/2009

Solar SubArc - 05/17/2009

Lunar Corona - 10/23/2010

Crepuscular Ray's - 09/24/2011

Sunburst - 09/24/2011

Double Rainbow - 06/03/2012

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Hope you enjoyed the visit. Come again soon!