Local Group Tour
Sketches & Video Capture images of the Local Group of Galaxies!
created: 01-17-2014
revised: 11-29-2023.
M31 - 10/08/2010 - Samsung SDC-435 & 55mm CCTV lens, 8 seconds
One of my favorite 'Deep Sky' magazines was the Fall 1984 issue with a detailed article by Brian Skiff on observing the
Great Andromeda Galaxy's internal open and globular clusters and M31's attendant satellite galaxies. (see page 8).
I've held on to this issue over the years, wanting someday to do an observing project based on it.
Then very recently, 'Sky and Telescope' came out with several interesting articles on similar topics:
November 2013 issue - "Exploring Messier 31" by Alan Whitman, and
December 2013 issue - "Exploring the Triangulum Galaxy" by Ted Forte, and "Local Group Dwarf Galaxies" by Sue French.
Over the New Year, I sat down and compared the finder charts of these very fine articles with what I've video-captured.
I was able to identify a number of extra-galactic globular clusters and H-II regions in M31 & M33, along with having several
additional Local Group members video-imaged.
Thus, this page,,,,, I invite you to sit back and enjoy my images and additional information perused from the web:
From Wikipedia: "The Local Group":
is the group of galaxies that includes the Milky Way among others. It comprises more than 54 galaxies, counting dwarf galaxies.
The two most massive members of the group are Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy. These two spiral galaxies each have a system of satellite galaxies.
Milky Way's satellite system (see 'Near' chart below) consists of Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy, Large Magellanic Cloud, Small Magellanic Cloud,
Canis Major Dwarf, Ursa Minor Dwarf, Draco Dwarf, Carina Dwarf, Sextans Dwarf, Sculptor Dwarf, Fornax Dwarf, Leo I, Leo II, and Ursa Major I Dwarf and the Ursa Major II Dwarf.
Local Group - Near
Chart by Richard Powell
Andromeda's satellite system consists of M32, M110, NGC 147, NGC 185, And I, And II, And III, And IV, And V,
Pegasus dSph (aka And VI), Cassiopeia Dwarf (aka And VII), And VIII, And IX, And X, And XI, And XII, And XIII, And XIV, And XV, And XVI, And XVII, And XVIII, And XIX, and And XX.
The Triangulum Galaxy, the third largest and only unbarred spiral galaxy in the Local Group.
The other members of the group include IC 10, Leo A, Cetus Dwarf, Pegasus Dwarf Irregular, Aquarius Dwarf, and the Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular.
(see the complete list of galaxies below)
Local Group - Far
Chart by Richard Powell
Below is my personal observation list of the 'Local Group' galaxies.
I currently have observed 47 galaxy members visible from my Pittsburgh, PA latitude of around +40.
The Local Group Observations:
The Milky Way (from Cherry Springs)
ZWO ASI290MC & 2.1mm fisheye lens @ 30 seconds
Backyard Milky-Way - 06/28/2020
ORAS Observatory Milky-Way - Summer - 08/19/2020
ORAS Observatory Milky-Way - Late Fall/Early Winter - 09/18/2020
ZWO ASI224MC & fisheye lens
Cherry Springs Milky-Way - Fall - 09/26/2021
ZWO ASI224MC & fisheye lens
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Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
M54 (Globular Cluster: galaxy core remnant)
09/02/2021 ORAS Observatory Meade 14" LX200GPS Fork Wedge @ f6.3
Arp-2 (Globular Cluster) - 09/02/2021 ORAS Observatory Meade 14" LX200GPS Fork Wedge @ f6.3
Terzan-7 (Globular Cluster) - 09/02/2021 ORAS Observatory Meade 14" LX200GPS Fork Wedge @ f6.3
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M31 - 08/31/1984 - 10" Dob f5.6, 27mm 52x
M31 - 10/08/2010 - 80mm BOSMA Refractor f6.3, StellaCam-II 8 seconds - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 45 seconds
M31 - 09/10/2015 - 80mm f5.5 Refractor, StellaCam-3 @ 45 seconds
09/11/2023 - EVO50mm f4.2 Refractor, ASI294MC & L-Pro broadband filter @ 180 seconds for 12 minutes
09/30/2021 - Cherry Springs - BFSP 8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3 60 sec subs for 5 minutes
M31 (globular clusters)
10/08/2010 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 and .5 focal reducer @ 45 seconds
(G222 & G230 are the faintest, both at Mag +15.2)
M31 (core) - 09/19/2020 ORAS Observatory C14" Atlas Gem @ f11
11/05/2021 - Calhoun - 8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3, 180 sec subs for 90 minutes
NGC206 (A78: M31 OB-Association)
09/30/2021 - Cherry Springs - BFSP 8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3 60 sec subs for 5 minutes
11/04/2021 - Calhoun 8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3 60 sec subs for 15 minutes
Mayall-2 (Globular Cluster) - 09/30/2021 - Cherry Springs - BFSP HII region #74
8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3 60 sec subs for 5 minutes
Andromeda V1 (Cepheid Variable Star)
10/24/2022 - Calhoun - 8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3 5 minute subs for 15 minutes
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M32 (galaxy) - 09/15/2009 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-II, 8 seconds - 09/25/1989 - 8" Dob f4.5, 8mm 143x
M32 (galaxy & globular clusters)
08/25/2014 - 8" SCT f5, StellaCam-3, @ 30 seconds
M32 - 09/19/2020 ORAS Observatory C14" Atlas Gem @ f11
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M110 (galaxy) - 09/02/2008 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-EX, 2.5 seconds - 09/25/1989 - 8" Dob f4.5, 16mm 71x
M110 (NGC205 - galaxy & globular clusters)
08/25/2014 - 8" SCT f5, StellaCam-3, @ 30 seconds
M110 - 09/19/2020 ORAS Observatory C14" Atlas Gem @ f11
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NGC147 (galaxy) - 11/01/2013 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3
09/19/2020 ORAS Observatory C14" Atlas Gem @ f11
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NGC185 (galaxy) - 11/01/2013 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3
09/19/2020 ORAS Observatory C14" Atlas Gem @ f11
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M33 (galaxy) "The Pinwheel Galaxy"
- 10/22/1989 - 8" Dob f4.5, 16mm 57x
M33 (galaxy)
08/26/2011 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3, @ 45 seconds 08/29/2016 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 180 seconds
M33 (H-II star forming regions)
08/26/2011 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 and .5 focal reducer @ 45 seconds
NGC604 (HII) - 11/10/2021 - Calhoun - 8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3 300 sec subs for 90 minutes
11/10/2023 - EVO50mm f4.2 Refractor, ASI294MC & L-Pro broadband filter @ 180 seconds for 30 minutes
09/18/2022 - Cherry Springs - BFSP 8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3 180 sec subs for 30 minutes
NGC55 (galaxy & globular clusters)) - 11/13/2015 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 30 seconds
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NGC404 (galaxy) - 10/08/2010 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3, 45 seconds
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NGC1560 (galaxy) - 09/11/2012 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 8 seconds
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NGC1569 (galaxy) - 09/11/2012 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 8 seconds
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NGC3109 (galaxy) - 05/24/2014 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 35 seconds
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NGC6822 (galaxy) 'Barnards Galaxy' - 09/04/2013 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 @ 25 seconds
NGC6822 (galaxy) - 08/29/2016 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 180 seconds (Associations, Globular Clusters and H-II Regions)
09/07/2021 - 14" Meade SCT f6.3, Fork Wedge, ASI294MC + L-Pro filter @ 60 seconds for 5 minuiutes
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SagDIG - (galaxy) - 08/06/2016 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3, 180 seconds
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IC10 (galaxy) - 06/26/2014 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 @ 30 seconds
IC10 (galaxy) - 09/11/2023 - 8" SCT @ f6.3, Atlas Gem, ASI294MC Pro & L-Pro broadband filter @ 180 sec livestacked for 45 minutes
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IC1613 (galaxy) - 09/01/2016 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 120 seconds
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UGC8091 (galaxy) - 05/24/2014 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 35 seconds
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Andromeda-I - PGC2666 (galaxy) - 10/03/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 300 seconds
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Andromeda-II - PGC4601 (galaxy) - 10/05/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 180 seconds
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Andromeda-III - PGC2121 (galaxy) - 10/03/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 300 seconds
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Andromeda-IV - PGC2544 (galaxy) - 10/03/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 300 seconds
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Andromeda-V (galaxy) - 10/05/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 180 seconds
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Andromeda-VI (galaxy) - 09/04/2016 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 120 seconds
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Andromeda-VII (galaxy) - 09/04/2016 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 120 seconds
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Andromeda-IX (galaxy) - 10/03/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 300 seconds
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Andromeda-X (galaxy) - 10/05/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3
09/19/2020 ORAS Observatory C14" Atlas Gem @ f11
09/09/2021 - 14" Meade SCT f6.3, Fork Wedge, ASI294MC + L-Pro filter @ 60 seconds for 5 minuiutes
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Aquarius Dwarf (galaxy) - 09/02/2016 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3, @ 120 seconds
Aquarius Dwarf (MCG-2533)
09/09/2021 - 14" Meade SCT f6.3, Fork Wedge, ASI294MC + L-Pro filter @ 60 seconds for 5 minuiutes
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Cetus Dwarf (galaxy) - 10/05/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 150 seconds
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Coma Berenices Dwarf (galaxy) - 05/24/2014 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 35 seconds
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Pegasus Dwarf (galaxy) - 08/25/2014 - 8" SCT f5, StellaCam-3, @ 30 seconds
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Pisces Dwarf (galaxy) - 10/05/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3
09/19/2020 ORAS Observatory C14" Atlas Gem @ f11
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Leo-A (galaxy) - 05/24/2014 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 35 seconds
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Leo-I (galaxy) - 05/24/2014 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 35 seconds
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Leo-II (galaxy) - 05/24/2014 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 35 seconds
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Leo-T (galaxy) - 05/24/2014 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 35 seconds
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Sextans-A (galaxy) - 05/24/2014 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 35 seconds
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Sextans-B (galaxy) - 05/24/2014 - 6" RC f5, StellaCam-3 35 seconds
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Draco Dwarf - (galaxy) - 08/06/2016 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3, 180 seconds
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UGCA-86 (galaxy) - 10/06/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3
09/19/2020 ORAS Observatory C14" Atlas Gem @ f11
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UGCA-92 (galaxy) - 10/06/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 120 seconds
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Ursa Minor - (galaxy) - 08/06/2016 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3, 180 seconds
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UKS2323-326 - MCG-55512 (galaxy) - 10/03/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 300 seconds
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WLM - MCG-3115 (galaxy) - 10/03/2018 - 8" SCT f6.3, StellaCam-3 @ 120 seconds
(Association & Globular Cluster)
WLM (Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte)
09/09/2021 - 14" Meade SCT f6.3, Fork Wedge, ASI294MC + L-Pro filter @ 60 seconds for 5 minuiutes
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Sculptor Dwarf - MCG-6315 (galaxy) - 09/30/2021 - Cherry Springs - BFSP 8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3 120 sec subs for 10 minutes
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Fornax Dwarf - MCG-671 (galaxy) - 10/01/2021 - Cherry Springs - BFSP 8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3 60 sec subs for 30 minutes
Globular Clusters
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Canis Major Dwarf - (galaxy) - 11/04/2021 - Calhoun
Canon Zomm Lens @ 100mm @ f5.6, 30 sec subs for 15 minutes
8" SCT Atlas Gem @ f6.3, 60 sec subs for 15 minutes
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Complete List of Local Group Galaxies
by Richard Powell
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Name of Galaxy | Galactic coords|Distance |Diameter| Galaxy | Other | Year of
| l° b° | (kly) | (kly) | Type | Name |Discovery
Milky Way 0 0 0 90 SBbc prehist.
Sagittarius Dwarf 5.6 -14.1 78±7 20 dSph 1994
Ursa Major II 152.5 +37.4 100±15 1 dSph 2006
Coma Berenices Dwarf 241.9 +83.6 144±13 1 dSph 2006
Large Magellanic Cloud 280.5 -32.9 165±5 25 SBm ESO 56-115 prehist.
Small Magellanic Cloud 302.8 -44.3 195±15 15 SBm NGC 292 prehist.
Boötes Dwarf 358.0 +69.6 197±9 2 dSph 2006
Ursa Minor Dwarf 105.0 +44.8 215±10 2 dSph DDO 199 1954
Sculptor Dwarf 287.5 -83.2 258±13 3 dSph ESO 351-30 1937
Draco Dwarf 86.4 +34.7 267±20 2 dSph DDO 208 1954
Sextans Dwarf 243.4 +42.2 280±13 3 dSph PGC 88608 1990
Ursa Major I 159.4 +54.4 325? 3? dSph 2005
Carina Dwarf 260.1 -22.2 329±16 2 dSph PGC 19441 1977
Fornax Dwarf 237.1 -65.7 450±26 5 dSph ESO 356-04 1938
Hercules Dwarf 28.7 +36.9 457±41 4 dSph 2006
Canes Venatici II 113.6 +82.7 489±46 2 dSph 2006
Leo IV 265.4 +56.5 522±47 2 dSph 2006
Leo II 220.2 +67.2 669±39 3 dSph DDO 93 1950
Canes Venatici I 74.3 +79.8 718±82 6 dSph 2006
Leo I 226.0 +49.1 815±100 3 dSph DDO 74 1950
Leo T 214.9 +43.7 1360±65 2 dIrr/dSph 2007
Phoenix Dwarf 272.2 -68.9 1450±100 2 dIrr/dSph ESO 245-7 1976
NGC 6822 25.3 -18.4 1520±85 8 Irr DDO 209 1884
NGC 185 120.8 -14.5 2010±60 8 dSph/dE3p UGC 396 1787
Andromeda II 128.9 -29.2 2165±40 3 dSph PGC 4601 1970
Leo A 196.9 +52.4 2250±325 4 dIrr DDO 69 c1940
IC 1613 129.8 -60.6 2365±50 10 Irr DDO 8 c1890
Andromeda X 125.8 -18.0 2290±120 5 dSph 2006
NGC 147 119.8 -14.3 2370±50 10 dSph/dE5 DDO 3 c1830
Andromeda III 119.3 -26.2 2450±50 3 dSph PGC 2121 1970
Andromeda VII 109.5 -10.0 2465±95 2 dSph PGC 2807155 1999
Cetus Dwarf 101.4 -72.8 2485±65 3 dSph PGC 3097691 1999
Andromeda IX 123.2 -19.7 2505±75 4 dSph 2004
Andromeda I 121.7 -24.9 2520±60 2 dSph PGC 2666 1970
LGS 3 126.8 -40.9 2520±70 2 dIrr/dSph Pisces Dwarf 1978
Andromeda V 126.2 -15.1 2560±80 2 dSph PGC 3097824 1998
Andromeda Galaxy, M31 121.2 -21.6 2560±50 140 Sb NGC 224 c964
Andromeda XI 121.7 -29.1 2560±325 2 dSph 2006
Andromeda XII 122.0 -28.5 2560±325 2 dSph 2006
Andromeda XIII 123.0 -29.9 2560±325 2 dSph 2006
Andromeda VI 106.1 -36.3 2595±50 3 dSph PGC 2807158 1998
M32 121.2 -22.0 2625±115 8 dE2 NGC 221 1749
M110 120.7 -21.7 2690±80 15 dSph/dE5 NGC 205 1773
IC 10 119.0 -3.3 2690±165 8 dIrr UGC 192 c1890
Triangulum Galaxy, M33 133.6 -31.3 2735±55 55 Sc NGC 598 1654
Tucana Dwarf 322.9 -47.4 2870±130 2 dSph PGC 69519 1990
Pegasus Dwarf 94.8 -43.5 3000±80 6 dIrr/dSph DDO 216 ?
WLM 75.9 -73.6 3020±80 10 Irr DDO 221 1909
Aquarius Dwarf 34.0 -31.3 3345±100 3 dIrr/dSph DDO 210 1959
SagDIG 21.1 -16.3 3460±520 3 dIrr ESO 594-4 1977
Antlia Dwarf 263.1 +22.3 4030±210 3 dIrr/dSph PGC 29194 1997
NGC 3109 262.1 +23.1 4075±540 25 Irr DDO 236 c1836
Sextans A 246.2 +39.9 4350±120 10 dIrr DDO 75 ?
Sextans B 233.2 +43.8 4385±325 8 dIrr DDO 70 ?
Additional possible members: NGC404, NGC1560, NGC1569
Neat links:
Richard Powell's "Atlas of the Universe"
Deep Sky - Downloadable Issues
"Digging Deep in M33" by Alan Whitman (PDF)
Alvin Huey's "The Local Group" (PDF)
"Atlas of the Andromeda Galaxy", by Paul Hodge
Cloudy Nights - "Small Wonders: Deep Andromeda", by Tom Trusock
Larry's home webportal
You may E-mail me at:
This is it. Hope you enjoyed the visit. Come again soon!