Hi, Welcome to


GreenBank Tour 99

        This is a little photo collection of the AAAP club trip to
the National Radio Astronomy Observatory at GreenBank WWV, on July 10th 1999.
While the trip was a little on the soggy side (darksky observing got rained out!),
seeing the giant radio telescopes and talking with the friendly staff made the trip
worthwhile. Many thanks to Ed Moss & Dave Smith who instigated/organized the event.
Below you'll find various photos taken when a small group of us jumped on some bikes
and rode arround the site. (wished I'd had used a higher speed of film).

The official NRAO GreenBank links:

NRAO GreenBank Observatory

AAAP'ers in search of SETI

You may E-MAIL me at:lsmch@comcast.net

go to: Top of Page:

go to: Deep Sky Sketches:
This is it. Hope you enjoyed the visit. Come again soon!